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Reporting / Data / Privacy

Reporting and web analytics are the most important part of an active digital marketing campaign. Google reports that out of all churned digital marketing campaigns, 63% of business owners cite reporting as their top reason to choose a new vendor.  Understanding your data and what to do with it takes you to the next level.  And Privacy is a global issue that can have huge impact on your business

UI.Marketing is the most advanced, advertiser facing dashboard available in the market today.  Reports in UI.Marketing is a multi-faceted reporting dashboard that allows companies to integrate all of their digital marketing solutions into a single reporting interface.  

UI.Marketing is easy to launch and even easier to maintain. UI.Marketing coordinates with any reporting API, collecting all reporting in a single dashboard view. Now a client can view all of their data in one place without logging into dozens of reporting platforms.

What reporting platforms and ad servers are integrated with UI.Marketing?
The UI.Marketing dashboard is integrated with many of the most commonly used advertising platforms, allowing PTM Clients to get their data, as well as data from other vendors, in a single dashboard

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